Weather by WeatherBug

Weather by WeatherBug
Rating: 4.7
Weather by WeatherBug: Your Reliable Weather Companion


Category: Weather Downloads: 10,000,000+
Developer: WeatherBug Tags: weatherbug | storms | forecasts

Keeping track of the weather is essential for planning activities, staying safe, and making informed daily decisions. The Weather by WeatherBug app is a comprehensive weather tool that provides accurate forecasts, real-time weather updates, and a range of useful features. With its user-friendly interface and reliable data, the app serves as your personal weather assistant, helping you stay prepared and informed about the weather conditions around you.

Features & Benefits

  1. Real-Time Weather Updates: The Weather by WeatherBug app delivers up-to-date weather information, including temperature, humidity, wind speed, and precipitation. With its reliable data sources and frequent updates, you can trust the app to provide accurate and timely weather forecasts for your location.
  2. Hourly and Extended Forecasts: The app offers detailed hourly forecasts, allowing you to plan your day effectively. You can access information about temperature changes, chance of precipitation, and wind conditions throughout the day. Additionally, the extended forecasts provide insights into weather patterns and trends over the coming days, helping you make informed decisions for the week ahead.
  3. Interactive Radar Maps: The app features interactive radar maps that enable you to visualize weather conditions in real-time. You can track storms, monitor precipitation patterns, and view cloud cover. The radar maps also provide features like animated radar loops and severe weather alerts, ensuring you stay aware of any potential weather risks in your area.
  4. Severe Weather Alerts: The Weather by WeatherBug app keeps you informed about severe weather conditions. It sends alerts for events such as thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes, and winter storms. These alerts help you stay prepared and take necessary precautions to ensure your safety and well-being during severe weather incidents.
  5. Customizable Weather Widgets: The app allows you to personalize your weather experience by offering a range of weather widgets. You can choose from various widget designs and sizes to display weather information directly on your device’s home screen. This feature provides convenient access to weather updates without needing to open the app.


  • Accurate and Timely Weather Information: The Weather by WeatherBug app is known for its reliable weather data and frequent updates, ensuring that you have accurate information at your fingertips.
  • Interactive Radar Maps: The app’s interactive radar maps provide a visually engaging way to track weather conditions, making it easier to understand and interpret the current weather situation.
  • Severe Weather Alerts: The app’s alerts for severe weather events help users stay informed and prepared, enabling them to take necessary precautions and ensure their safety.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The app’s intuitive interface and easy navigation make it accessible to users of all ages and technical backgrounds.
  • Customizable Widgets: The app’s customizable weather widgets allow users to personalize their weather experience, making it convenient to access weather information directly from their device’s home screen.


  • Limited Free Features: While the Weather by WeatherBug app offers a range of useful features, some advanced functionalities may require a subscription or in-app purchases, limiting access for free users.
  • Location Accuracy: In some cases, the app’s location accuracy may vary, leading to occasional discrepancies in weather data for certain regions or areas.
  • Battery Usage: The app’s continuous use of location services and data updates may impact device battery life, particularly if the app is running in the background for extended periods.

Apps Like Weather by WeatherBug

  1. AccuWeather: AccuWeather is a widely-used weather app that offers accurate forecasts, interactive maps, and severe weather alerts. It provides hourly and extended forecasts, real-time updates, and customizable widgets. AccuWeather is known for its detailed weather information and reliable data sources.
  2. The Weather Channel App: The Weather Channel app is another popular weather tool that provides accurate forecasts, interactive radar maps, and severe weather alerts. It offers hourly and extended forecasts, real-time updates, and customizable widgets. The app is well-known for its comprehensive weather information and user-friendly interface.
  3. Dark Sky: Dark Sky is a weather app known for its hyperlocal forecasts and minute-by-minute precipitation predictions. It provides detailed weather information, interactive radar maps, and customizable notifications. Dark Sky is acclaimed for its accuracy and advanced features, such as the ability to track rain or snow down to the minute for your precise location.

These three apps, like Weather by WeatherBug, offer a range of features to help users stay informed about weather conditions and plan their activities accordingly. Each app has its own unique strengths and user base, allowing users to choose the app that best fits their needs and preferences.


Weather by WeatherBug App Download


The Weather by WeatherBug app is a reliable and user-friendly weather tool that provides accurate forecasts, real-time updates, and interactive radar maps. With its range of features, including severe weather alerts and customizable widgets, the app serves as a comprehensive weather assistant. Although some advanced features may require a subscription, the app’s accuracy and ease of use make it a valuable tool for staying informed and prepared for weather conditions.

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